From the technical analysis...

  • to the realization of the optimal solution...

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  • ...with regard to quality control processes.

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  • to the evolution of innovative technologies...

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  • to the satisfaction of the most demanding customers!

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On this page it is possible to obtain information about the job positions currently sought by Assotherm for the different working divisions. We are always available to expand our collaborations, through new and efficient staff.

We are looking for experienced professionals who are able to independently carry out their reference activities.

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    We firmly believe in human resources as the foundation of every business activity and for this reason we value each resource, adopting a multilateral point of view. We undertake to respond to all requests received, in relation to the type of position sought. For obvious business reasons, we premise that we are not always able to respond to all applications, given the number of applicants who apply. However, we are committed to ensuring maximum respect for the time spent writing to us, with the aim of starting a new growth path with us. Ours is an environment that pushes towards personal and professional growth, thanks to the possibility of assisting a large number of national and international professionals. We take every person seriously and that is why we expect the same professionalism.

    Position E1 - Multi-firm agent in the Piedmont area

    We are looking for an independent professional figure, to be included as a multi-firm agent for the management of the existing portfolio and for the development of new customers. For more information about the person sought, please write to: by entering the number of the position sought.

    Position E2 - Multi-firm Agent Tuscany Area

    We are looking for an independent professional figure, inserted as a multi-firm agent for the management of the existing portfolio and for the development of new customers. For more information about the person sought, please write to: by entering the number of the position sought.

Posizioni vacanti

icona divisoria

S1 Position
Commercial Agreement for Agency in Germany

We are looking for a commercial figure with a possible agency contract for the construction of a sales network in Germany. Knowledge of a second language other than German between Italian and English is essential. Write to the email address if you are interested in this opportunity and if you meet the required requirements.

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